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Castle McCulloch | Interesting North Carolina attraction


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North Carolina certainly has a unique and interesting history. The lost colony, Sir Walter Raleigh, the various tribes of Native Americans…. mountains, plains the coast, our state’s tapestry is so rich…. pirates, ship graveyards and… castles? There’s a castle in North Carolina? (Actually several… in Asheville there is Seely’s Castle (spelling?)) Today I’m writing a bit about Castle McCulloch. I saw an interesting feature on it on Our State a few weeks back and had to look up their website for more information. It’s located in Jamestown, NC which is in Guilford County, NC and started out as a mill.


If I recall the story told on Our State, the current owner had been shown the site as a child with the lure “how would you like to see a castle” and he described it as deserted out in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere and it captivated his imagination. The mill originally was a stone tower, but of course it has since been expanded on and now is probably the host to the most weddings per year in our state. In addition to weddings and bridal shows, they also have other interesting events, and gold panning.

One event that caught my attention was a Wizard of Oz performance that is truly unique – the characters travel through the landscape and act out the story as the audience follows along with them. Of course, they also have other themed events and it really strikes me as a unique and memorable stop on your visit to the central part of North Carolina. It’s not far from Asheboro, Winston-Salem or Greensboro and I suspect it would be well worth the trip.