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North Carolina Family Records Online

Saturday, February 27th, 2010

I’m not sure if I had posted about this before, but I just ran across the State Archives collection of North Carolina Family Records Online. They have digitized a number of items in their collection and you can browse or search. (Including browse by last name or location.) So, what records are included? They have […]

Gas situation in North Carolina

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

If you’re coming to Western North Carolina for genealogy research you might find a lot of things, gasoline is going to be hard to get this week though. If you’re looking for gas in Buncombe County, North Carolina that link may be of some help.

North Carolina’s Outer Banks – True Frontier

Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

The Outer Banks along the coast of North Carolina are simply amazing. Barrier islands of sand that seem to shift and change with the very winds and seas. If you’ve ever visited the Outer Banks, you know what a feeling it is to know that ocean can lie just a few feet in front of […]